Terrorists mowing down and stabbing innocent people on London Bridge.
Suicide bomber at a Manchester concert killing 22 young victims.
London terrorist rampage on London Bridge and Borough Market, killing 7 people and injuring 48 others.
120 people killed in multiple terrorist attacks in Paris.
These atrocities are so close to home. We all feel the effect of them. Why are some people so wicked? Why do they force their beliefs on others? Where is God in all of this? Why does God allow it to happen?
First we have to accept that he exists. If he doesn’t, as most atheists maintain, then there is no moral argument to discuss: this is how things are and mankind will evolve to extinction.
But this is not God’s intention. These disasters actually prove God’s existence. The occurrence of evil points us to God. How? The four incidents mentioned above are directly related to man’s choice of activity - we have the unrestricted ability to choose how we behave. Choice has its own consequences. Natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, hurricanes, floods and forest fires for example, stem from the living planet we inhabit, however, it is possible man’s activities have affected the balance of nature too.
We have a choice now. Do we just want someone to blame or do we seek to understand how God works? We agree that pain and suffering, however caused, exists. So ‘why’ has to be the question, followed by ‘will it ever end?’ Whats wrong with our world? By natural tendency men are mostly concerned about themselves. The ingrained use of words like ‘me’, ‘myself’ and ‘I’ reflect this.
In the first three chapters of the Bible, God is described as creating a perfectly balanced world where total harmony existed. This included humanity. Man was given freewill to make choices but rebelled by not following God’s clear directions. The Bible calls this ‘sin’. It had catastrophic consequences - Adam the first man became subject to decay, disease and death; things that were not built into God’s original design.
The book of Romans (ch 5 v 12) sums up history to date “sin entered the world through one man (Adam) and in this way death came to all men, because all have sinned’.
In other words, Adam infected the entire human race; every generation inherits the same genes. The planet’s state of perfection has also deteriorated over time. The increase in natural disasters reflects its decay, accelerated by having its resources stolen or contaminated by human activities.
But God could still have intervened. Why should he though? Would you accept losing your freedom of choice? If God tweaked the laws of nature to ensure everyone’s safety, science would be impossible. If God prevented wars, what about terrorists? What about drunk drivers and child abusers? What level of control of human activity would be necessary to create zero pain and suffering? It would need to permeate through to thought level, leaving mankind effectively without freewill - would you accept that sort of life?
The Bible points to a very different way. It lays a path for man to reach out for harmony and promises a future time when all disasters will be but a dim memory. The Bible guides the Godly committed person through the benefits of learning by suffering, to a life filled with God. We know from Adam’s genes we are naturally motivated by ‘self’. Control of ‘self’ replaced by God-centric motives is a key message in the Bible.
The world is on the road to destruction; each day read the newspapers and count the disasters. The trend is increasing. The world’s powers are battling daily. This will soon trigger another big war. The Bible predicts this will be focused in the Middle East. At this time God will intervene and start the process of returning the world to harmony.
Truly this is hope for hopeless world.
Suicide bomber at a Manchester concert killing 22 young victims.
London terrorist rampage on London Bridge and Borough Market, killing 7 people and injuring 48 others.
120 people killed in multiple terrorist attacks in Paris.
These atrocities are so close to home. We all feel the effect of them. Why are some people so wicked? Why do they force their beliefs on others? Where is God in all of this? Why does God allow it to happen?
First we have to accept that he exists. If he doesn’t, as most atheists maintain, then there is no moral argument to discuss: this is how things are and mankind will evolve to extinction.
But this is not God’s intention. These disasters actually prove God’s existence. The occurrence of evil points us to God. How? The four incidents mentioned above are directly related to man’s choice of activity - we have the unrestricted ability to choose how we behave. Choice has its own consequences. Natural disasters like earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, hurricanes, floods and forest fires for example, stem from the living planet we inhabit, however, it is possible man’s activities have affected the balance of nature too.
We have a choice now. Do we just want someone to blame or do we seek to understand how God works? We agree that pain and suffering, however caused, exists. So ‘why’ has to be the question, followed by ‘will it ever end?’ Whats wrong with our world? By natural tendency men are mostly concerned about themselves. The ingrained use of words like ‘me’, ‘myself’ and ‘I’ reflect this.
In the first three chapters of the Bible, God is described as creating a perfectly balanced world where total harmony existed. This included humanity. Man was given freewill to make choices but rebelled by not following God’s clear directions. The Bible calls this ‘sin’. It had catastrophic consequences - Adam the first man became subject to decay, disease and death; things that were not built into God’s original design.
The book of Romans (ch 5 v 12) sums up history to date “sin entered the world through one man (Adam) and in this way death came to all men, because all have sinned’.
In other words, Adam infected the entire human race; every generation inherits the same genes. The planet’s state of perfection has also deteriorated over time. The increase in natural disasters reflects its decay, accelerated by having its resources stolen or contaminated by human activities.
But God could still have intervened. Why should he though? Would you accept losing your freedom of choice? If God tweaked the laws of nature to ensure everyone’s safety, science would be impossible. If God prevented wars, what about terrorists? What about drunk drivers and child abusers? What level of control of human activity would be necessary to create zero pain and suffering? It would need to permeate through to thought level, leaving mankind effectively without freewill - would you accept that sort of life?
The Bible points to a very different way. It lays a path for man to reach out for harmony and promises a future time when all disasters will be but a dim memory. The Bible guides the Godly committed person through the benefits of learning by suffering, to a life filled with God. We know from Adam’s genes we are naturally motivated by ‘self’. Control of ‘self’ replaced by God-centric motives is a key message in the Bible.
The world is on the road to destruction; each day read the newspapers and count the disasters. The trend is increasing. The world’s powers are battling daily. This will soon trigger another big war. The Bible predicts this will be focused in the Middle East. At this time God will intervene and start the process of returning the world to harmony.
Truly this is hope for hopeless world.