You can expect a warm welcome. We know it can be a daunting prospect visiting an unfamiliar church so we won't make any demands of you or expect you to know what to do. To help you feel comfortable with us, here is some information about what it is like at a Christadelphian meeting.
Whether you have visited a Christadelphian meeting before or not, the doorkeeper is there to make you feel at home, to make sure that you have a Bible and a hymn book, and to make sure you have a seat.
During the meeting there will be prayers, hymns, Bible readings and Bible-based talks and presentations. It will very quickly become apparent that Christadelphians respect the Bible; we base our beliefs solely on the Bible; we use the Bible as a guide for our lives.
You will find that Christadelphian meetings are quiet and reverential. Speakers are not heckled or applauded. However, the talks are always received with genuine thanks and often result in enthusiastic discussion after the meeting. Christadelphians do not have paid ministers. Instead the meetings are arranged and led by the members themselves, often with visiting speakers from around the country to add variety and interest.
Christadelphians stand up during hymns and prayers. They follow the Bible readings and turn up passages with the speaker during the talk. Don’t worry if you don’t know your way around the Bible; you can either sit back and listen or keep one finger in the contents page.
Christadelphian women wear head coverings during the meetings in accordance with the Apostle Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 11:3-15, but this is not expected of non-Christadelphians.
If you decide to visit us, we hope that you will stay and chat with us following the meeting so that we can meet you and answer any questions you may have.